Powering up! VARTA sponsorship for our camera traps

If you have been following this space, you are most probably aware that we use camera traps a lot. And by a lot, I mean that our camera trap deployment at waterholes on Ongava has led to more than 8 million of photos being taken since 2009! The data collected helps us answering questions related but not restricted to species presence, abundance, activity pattern and social network,

Of course, camera traps need power and most of them use AA batteries. For a single 72h survey of our waterholes, we deploy about 50 cameras and require 500 batteries!

We are delighted and honoured to announce that this year VARTA and Vision Sales&Marketting Namibia (https://visionsalesnamibia.com) donated 320 AA batteries to the Ongava Research Centre for our annual counts! We are so very grateful for their support that will help continue our long-term efforts in monitoring wildlife at waterholes on Ongava.

Here is a (very) small selection of the most interesting images we got so far…

Stay tuned for more news from our camera traps and waterhole studies!