ORC students stealing the show at the Warnell Graduate Student Symposium!

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

It is customary for Universities to organise symposium where students present their projects and results, the Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources of the University of Georgia (UGA) is no different. Early February, the Warnell Graduate Student Symposium took place which is an event for students of all disciplines in Warnell to showcase their research.

We currently have 2 students registered at Warnell, Jessy Patterson and Maddie Melton,

both co-supervised by Jim Beasley from UGA and Stephanie Périquet from ORC and working mainly under the Greater Etosha Carnivore Programme.

Jessy presented one of  her PhD chapters during the Wildlife Ecology and Management session and gave a 15 minute oral presentation entitled  “Effects of human presence on waterhole attendance of African mammals”.


Maddie presented during the Speed Talk rounds and had 5 minutes to present part her MSc project where she focused on the “Effects of land use on fence crossing behavior of wildlife at the interface of Etosha National Park and the surrounding shared-use landscape”.

But it was not enough for them to merely showcase their research. Both of them also managed to win the first prize for best presentation in their categories!

We are so very proud of them and send them our biggest congratulations!

We are now looking forward for them both to come spend some time in the field to conduct their research later this year.