ORC scientists act as the editorial team for the Namibian Journal of Environment

Updated: Mar 28, 2022

This is actually old news we haven’t shared with you yet. A year ago, ORC’s research team of ( Ken Stratford, John Mendelsohn, Florian Weise and Stéphane Périquet), were given the opportunity to take over from John Irish as the Editorial team of our very own Namibian scientific journal, the Namibian Journal of Environment (NJE). Publishing scientific articles can be a windy road, often taking months, sometimes years from first submission to final publication.

With Ken as the Chief Editor, our role is to vet submissions and send them to relevant researchers in the field (usually 2 for each submission) for peer-review assessment before publication. In 2021, 7 articles were published in NJE and 5 so far in 2022.

NJE publishes work covering broad environmental areas of ecology, agriculture, forestry, agro-forestry, social science, economics, water and energy, climate change, planning, land use, pollution, environmental assessments, and related fieldsPublishing in NJE is free and articles are also freely accessible online here: http://www.nje.org.na. One volume is published per year in electronic format only, with new articles added on a continual basis.

We would like to encourage anyone, and particularly students, to submit their work for publication in NJE so we can spread knowledge about Namibia.