Talking about our spotted cats at the Global Leopard Conference

The Global Leopard Conference took place from the 13 to 17th of March 2023. This was one of a kind virtual event fully dedicated to one species!

Leopard experts from around the world met to present their work, ranging Read more

Turning A Blind Eye?

Camera traps are one of the most popular wildlife monitoring and  research tools. They record spectacular wildlife images, such as this  leopard, though not always. Many users are familiar with finding animal  tracks in front of Read more

Using automated recognition software to identify leopards from their spot patterns

After the few seconds spent in awe following spotting a leopard, we usually grab our camera to record that rare encounter. As scientists, we do the same, but with an additional goal in mind: we want to know who Read more

Spotted cats on a full moon night

August full moon nocturnal monitoring was filled with sightings of our most secretive big cat. It started with 2 leopards were observed mating. Corne Cocklin managed to get a few pictures of the male and when we compared his Read more