How old is your fairy?

People travel from far to see iconic elephants, rhinos and lions in Ongava – three of the Big Five. Ecologists laud these animals for being ecosystem engineers. But how do these bulky animals that aren’t much good at surviving Read more

Long-term vegetation monitoring infrastructure at Ongava

The SECO project aims to increase our understanding of carbon fluxes across dry tropical vegetation. Globally, savannas, woodlands and dry forests form the dominant land cover in the tropics, occupying more land area than rainforests. Dry tropical vegetation harbours Read more

The Elephants Versus The Bush: Photopoints help to reveal forgotten landscapes

The Okaukuejo Waterhole is arguably Etosha’s most famous landmark. Its desolate landscape and memorable bare white rocks have been the background of thousands of holiday photos. However, if you were to travel back even half a century, this iconic Read more

Feasts of Grasses

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

ORC has enjoyed visits from several eminent scientists and conservationists in the past year: Paul Maritz (conservationist and software developer), Pasquale Scaturro (explorer extraordinaire), Rich Roberts (New England Biolabs geneticist and Nobel Laureate), Brian Huntley Read more

The early bird gets the worm, but the early termite gets the freezer…

It’s high biomass season here at Ongava which means ORC’s Bio-Indicator Project, funded by Nedbank’s Go-Green Fund, is in full swing. The project has been developed to sample across the ecosystem annually to capture long term information on environmental Read more