How do Black-winged Kites know when to breed?

Several features of Black-winged Kite come from their specialisation on rodent prey which typically fluctuate widely in abundance from season to season, and from place to place. One feature is the ability to breed more than once, and at Read more

If only ……. we had made a note of it

One thing biologists often curse is the lack of historical data, especially information recorded methodically on when certain events take place: When last were so many guineafowl chicks produced, how many years since the last major fire or heavy Read more

A river runs through it…

You probably have quite often heard that Namibia is a very dry place. Indeed, some parts of the country are ones of the driest on the planet and Ongava receives on average 380mm of rain each year. But Namibia’s Read more

Ongava’s Green Freckles – Remnants from the Past?

Updated: Dec 17, 2021

Ongava Research Centre staff recently came across a distinct and intriguing vegetation patch on the western plains of Ongava. It clearly stands out from the surrounding habitat because it still boasts lush greenery when much Read more

Xmas presents: the Emperor Moth & the Mopane Worm

In southern Africa, summer rains bring countless flying, crawling and creeping visitors. But in the Mopane belt, in which Ongava is located, we are lucky enough to have a particularly beautiful one: the Speckled Emperor Moth (Gynanisa maja Read more