Spotted cats on a full moon night

August full moon nocturnal monitoring was filled with sightings of our most secretive big cat. It started with 2 leopards were observed mating. Corne Cocklin managed to get a few pictures of the male and when we compared his Read more

Mapping roads can be fun too!

A seasoned scientist once told me: ‘Everything starts with a good map‘. And that’s entirely true. Wildlife researchers struggle to interpret information without a firm spatial context, such as roads, waterholes and boundaries for instance. As the Read more

Our Visitor Centre is open!

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

After many months of preparation, we were very pleased to welcome friends and families to the opening of Ongava Visitor Centre on 29th June. The Centre house an exhibition space which showcases the Research Centre’s Read more

Right on track? How reliable are our wildlife tracking devices?

Wildlife scientists have been using tracking devices and telemetry for more than 60 years. With the rise of the GPS and satellite technologies, we can now ‘follow’, animals remotely from the comfort of our offices. And the data we Read more

Our new spotted hyaena paper – Dyads and Networks

If you ask me, the spotted hyaena is one of the most interesting and exciting species to study. One of the reasons for that is that even though they live in large groups, all clan members are rarely, if Read more