Multi-Purpose Trees: Cheetah Marking Posts or Lion Playgrounds?

In order to better understand the local carnivore populations, ORC recently placed camera traps at several cheetah marking trees on Ongava. Resident cheetahs regularly visit these trees, especially the males, where they leave scent marks to advertise their social Read more

Crouching lion & coursing hyaenas: Which one zebras are more afraid of?

Predators and their prey have complex relationships that are influenced by a range of factors. Each predator species has its own preferences for what prey to eat, which can be affected by its size, sociality, habitat, season, and more. Read more

To cross or not to cross? The effects of fences around Etosha on large carnivore movement.

Fencing represents one of the most common linear infrastructures in the world and is used for a variety of reasons, including wildlife management.  In particular, fencing is widely used to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts, reducing the risk of disease transmission Read more

Counting giraffes at waterholes: which method to choose?

If you have been reading previous blogs, I am sure that by now, you are familiar with the fact that ecologists like to count things, especially animals! And wildlife managers like doing that even more than we do, maybe Read more

Ringing in a new collaboration

On May 7th, an inaugural bird-ringing session took place at the Ongava Game Reserve. The session was organized by the ORC and led by Ruben Portas, with assistance from avian ecologist Dr. Teja Curk. The main objective of the Read more