Observation of vegetation changes between burned and unburned areas. Part 1

Updated: Dec 28, 2021

After a good rainy season in North Central Namibia in 2020, the Ongava Research Centre received an ~ 514mm of rain and the vegetation in the area was absolutely spectacular. In the dry season, April Read more

Of Mice and (Sher)Man

Updated: Dec 30, 2021

Hi! I’m Theresa a Wildlife Conservation student from the UK who despite all the madness of the last 18 months was able to come to Ongava this May as part of my practical year at Read more

Exploring the connectivity of fragmented lion populations

When we think about the African lion (Panthera leo), we picture a majestic predator from Africa, the king of the savanna. This iconic species was present in most of Africa until the Late Pleistocene (14,000 years ago), Read more

The battle of Cain and Abel

Astonishing bloody battles play out in the nests of several species of eagles, herons, boobies, pelicans and certain other large birds. These are between their nestlings, although its more a case of the first-born Cain simply murdering the second-born Read more

Fairy Forests

This image covers 9.5 km from west to east, and shows a stretch of miombo woodland in eastern Angola. Miombo is the name given to a broad area of woodland stretching across southern Africa, covering much of Angola, Zambia Read more