Family Planning for Lions

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

There are many challenges associated with managing wild populations within fenced areas. One of the major challenges associated with lion management is population control. Compared to more open systems such as Kruger National Park (NP) Read more

Visit from a big cat…

We are often asked what we do on Sundays since we live in the bush far from town. Well, last Sunday someone made that decision for us! Each morning we check for wildlife tracks in the dust surrounding our Read more

Social distancing in giraffes?

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

In these troubled times, we are revisiting ‘historical’ data – our giraffe data from 2016. After identifying the individuals (see previous blog post in November 2019 here), we started to look at which individual Read more

Understanding Change

The world’s natural environment is changing rapidly, and in many ways. Although these changes are apparent, their causes and drivers are often more elusive. To understand how and why change happens, scientists collect so-called bioindicators. These are organisms and Read more

Natural Fire Breaks?

Fires could do great damage if they could get into the fairy forests shown in the previous blog, which leads us to the intriguing possibility that miombo trees manage to keep fires away by forming fire breaks on the Read more