Elephant dung along a game trail
Working with animal scat may not be the most glamorous way of studying African mammals, but thanks to advancements in molecular technologies we can use scats to uncover a wealth of new information Read more
Leopards are top of the wish list of animals to see on safaris, and Ongava Game Reserve is no exception. While the reserve seems to have perfect terrain for leopards, hills, rocks and tall trees, as well a full Read more
Updated: Nov 10, 2022
Sometimes we come upon curious things while working in the field. It happened a few weeks
ago when we noticed strange looking spherical shapes made of mud next to a hole in the middle of Read more
In June 2019, a symposium was held at Mokuti Lodge, just outside the Von Lindquist gate in eastern Etosha. At that time, the park was celebrating 112 years since proclamation, and it was the perfect opportunity to reflect on Read more
International convention holds that a river should have one name along its entire course, which is normally the name given at its source. This should be the case for the Cuando, the name used at its source at 13.004 Read more