Wildlife produces a lot of sound. From insects to mammals, including fish and birds, auditory communication –signals emitted through the acoustic channel – is widespread in the animal kingdom. Bioacoustics studies aim to unravel the mystery of the sounds Read more
Updated: Nov 10, 2022
Capture and collaring exercises are always exciting, but they are even more special in the early stages of our Greater Etosha Carnivore Programme!
Early in May 2022, our colleagues from IZW (Leibniz Institute for Zoo Read more
Updated: Jul 25, 2022
ORC has enjoyed visits from several eminent scientists and conservationists in the past year: Paul Maritz (conservationist and software developer), Pasquale Scaturro (explorer extraordinaire), Rich Roberts (New England Biolabs geneticist and Nobel Laureate), Brian Huntley Read more
If you have been following this space, you are most probably aware that we use camera traps a lot. And by a lot, I mean that our camera trap deployment at waterholes on Ongava has led to more than Read more
It’s high biomass season here at Ongava which means ORC’s Bio-Indicator Project, funded by Nedbank’s Go-Green Fund, is in full swing. The project has been developed to sample across the ecosystem annually to capture long term information on environmental Read more