Understanding carnivore diets, especially in Namibia where multiple large carnivores have overlapping niches, is important for conservation efforts and management. Analyzing a predator’s diet allows us to understand the roles they play in an ecosystem, how much they potentially Read more
Villages in rural Africa are multifunctional and play important ecosystem services in providing space for grazing, crop cultivation, rainwater absorption and carbon cycles. They also provide habitats for a diversity of wildlife especially the ones which are close to Read more
In fenced game reserves, it is very important to have a clear idea of how many animals you have in order to manage them appropriately. Every year on Ongava, we run continuous 72h counts at every waterhole in the Read more
Carnivores are a fascinating group of animals on which many books have been written. For some of them, we already know a lot, but for many others even the most basic knowledge of presence or abundance is missing. In Read more
Leopards are top of the wish list of animals to see on safaris, and Ongava Game Reserve is no exception. While the reserve seems to have perfect terrain for leopards, hills, rocks and tall trees, as well a full Read more