19°S: Space use by spotted hyaenas

Updated: Dec 17, 2021

If you are a large carnivore enthusiast, you probably have heard that they are wide ranging species requiring a lot of space to establish their home ranges countless times. But how much space is “a Read more

Of teeth and claws

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

Taking stock of carnivore research in the Greater Etosha Landscape

The Greater Etosha Landscape (GEL) is host to a wide diversity of carnivores, with an almost complete guild of large carnivores (only the African wild Read more

Queen takes King: dynamic interactions between spotted hyaenas and lions.

Spotted hyaenas have been traditionally thought to be only a lowly scavenger, stealing from lion kills and being subordinate to them. But in the recent years, thanks to dedicated group of hyeanas enthusiasts scientists, a new picture is starting Read more

Black Mongoose

Ongava is home to numerous endemic mammal, bird, reptile and plant species. But among mammals, only one is a carnivore and it is the black mongoose (Galerella nigrata). This small mongoose (<1kg, ~70cm long including the tail) looks very Read more