Long-term vegetation monitoring infrastructure at Ongava

The SECO project aims to increase our understanding of carbon fluxes across dry tropical vegetation. Globally, savannas, woodlands and dry forests form the dominant land cover in the tropics, occupying more land area than rainforests. Dry tropical vegetation harbours Read more

ORC students stealing the show at the Warnell Graduate Student Symposium!

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

It is customary for Universities to organise symposium where students present their projects and results, the Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources of the University of Georgia (UGA) is no different. Early February, the Read more

Waterholes in a semi-arid environment

Sources of water and hubs for interaction between pathogens, hosts, vectors, predators, prey, plants and people

Aside from perennial rivers along certain international borders, the only permanent sources of water in Namibia a hundred years ago were in springs, Read more

The end of an era at ORC

Now comes the time for ORC to close a chapter. At the end of October, we had to say goodbye to John Mendelshon as he retires from being our Executive Director. A lot has been accomplished during his 5 Read more

Conservation Status and Red List of the Terrestrial Carnivores of Namibia

Carnivores are a fascinating group of animals on which many books have been written. For some of them, we already know a lot, but for many others even the most basic knowledge of presence or abundance is missing. In Read more