If you have been reading previous blogs, I am sure that by now, you are familiar with the fact that ecologists like to count things, especially animals! And wildlife managers like doing that even more than we do, maybe Read more
Updated: Feb 6, 2023
In these troubled times, we are revisiting ‘historical’ data – our giraffe data from 2016. After identifying the individuals (see previous blog post in November 2019 here), we started to look at which individual Read more
Have you ever heard what the call of a giraffe? No? Well, us neither! This is why 2 French researchers (Thierry Lengagne & Christophe Bonenfant) from Lyon University visited us in November. They brought along a very sensitive microphone Read more
Obtaining reliable estimate for wildlife population sizes is highly desirable for management and conservation purposes but it is rarely a straightforward exercise… However sometimes, nature makes it a bit easier for us, as some species Read more