To cross or not to cross? The effects of fences around Etosha on large carnivore movement.

Fencing represents one of the most common linear infrastructures in the world and is used for a variety of reasons, including wildlife management.  In particular, fencing is widely used to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts, reducing the risk of disease transmission Read more

ORC students stealing the show at the Warnell Graduate Student Symposium!

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

It is customary for Universities to organise symposium where students present their projects and results, the Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources of the University of Georgia (UGA) is no different. Early February, the Read more

A camera trap grid runs through it: surveying Etosha wildlife large scale and long term!

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

One of the many challenges that wildlife biologists and managers face is to know how many animals occur in a given area, how they distribute themselves in space and how this distribution changes with seasons. Read more

sDNA Metabarcoding: Opening the Doors to Understanding Carnivore Diets

Understanding carnivore diets, especially in Namibia where multiple large carnivores have overlapping niches, is important for conservation efforts and management. Analyzing a predator’s diet allows us to understand the roles they play in an ecosystem, how much they potentially Read more

Animal husbandry, herding & livestock movements in the northern periphery of Etosha National Park

Villages in rural Africa are multifunctional and play important ecosystem services in providing space for grazing, crop cultivation, rainwater absorption and carbon cycles. They also provide habitats for a diversity of wildlife especially the ones which are close to Read more