To cross or not to cross? The effects of fences around Etosha on large carnivore movement.

Fencing represents one of the most common linear infrastructures in the world and is used for a variety of reasons, including wildlife management.  In particular, fencing is widely used to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts, reducing the risk of disease transmission Read more

19°S: Space use by spotted hyaenas

Updated: Dec 17, 2021

If you are a large carnivore enthusiast, you probably have heard that they are wide ranging species requiring a lot of space to establish their home ranges countless times. But how much space is “a Read more

Our new spotted hyaena paper – Dyads and Networks

If you ask me, the spotted hyaena is one of the most interesting and exciting species to study. One of the reasons for that is that even though they live in large groups, all clan members are rarely, if Read more