Do termites inhibit the germination and growth of nearby plants?

During field trips around Ongava, we see some termite mounds surrounded by areas of bare ground, while other mounds have shrubs, trees and grasses growing nearby. Why the difference, and could the soil around the bare mounds contain a Read more

Identifying potential corridors and conservation areas for lions and elephants in northern Namibia

Hello, I am Corsa Liu, a recent graduate of the Technical University of Munich. In 2021 and 2022, I had the opportunity to work on my Master’s thesis to study potential corridors and conservation areas for lions and elephants. Read more

Genetic constitution and genetic structure of lion populations in northern Namibia

Updated: Dec 17, 2021

African lions are estimated to occur in only 12.5 % of their historical range, with the result that many of their populations are fragmented. This study compiled information to assess the genetic constitution and structure Read more

Finding the Unexpected

Updated: Dec 22, 2021

Placing camera traps in unusual places can go one of two way: an  interesting find or a great disappointment. Camera traps were placed  alongside a latrine used by a Kaokoveld rock hyrax colony, found on Read more

19°S: Space use by spotted hyaenas

Updated: Dec 17, 2021

If you are a large carnivore enthusiast, you probably have heard that they are wide ranging species requiring a lot of space to establish their home ranges countless times. But how much space is “a Read more