Conservation Status and Red List of the Terrestrial Carnivores of Namibia

Carnivores are a fascinating group of animals on which many books have been written. For some of them, we already know a lot, but for many others even the most basic knowledge of presence or abundance is missing. In Read more

Guiding Bio-indicator collections

It’s no secret, environmental changes are apparent the world over. But what drives these changes is often more secretive. While some change may be due to natural fluctuations, others are due to human presence. With changes often happening over Read more

The Elephants Versus The Bush: Photopoints help to reveal forgotten landscapes

The Okaukuejo Waterhole is arguably Etosha’s most famous landmark. Its desolate landscape and memorable bare white rocks have been the background of thousands of holiday photos. However, if you were to travel back even half a century, this iconic Read more

Namibia’s new Atlas

A new atlas of Namibia was published this year. This is the third geographical profile and atlas of Namibia. The first, the National Atlas of South West Africa (Namibia), was published in 1983. Nineteen years later, in 2002, Read more

Mammals and their microbes: Unraveling the gut microbiome of Etosha’s herbivores

Elephant dung along a game trail

Working with animal scat may not be the most glamorous way of studying African mammals, but thanks to advancements in molecular technologies we can use scats to uncover a wealth of new information Read more