Counting carnivores in the Greater Etosha Landscape (cont.)

We're excited to share some preliminary findings from last year's carnivore playback survey, including insights into the densities of three carnivore species in the Greater Etosha Landscape. Read more

Friend or foe? How human presence affects mammals at waterholes

Jessy Patterson's first (PhD) dissertation chapter, focussing on providing a better understanding of the effects of human presence on mammal waterhole attendance and activity patterns, has just been published in Journal of Zoology. Read more

Embracing the multidimensionality of drylands: Looking back at 2024

As we draw the curtains on another year, it’s worth looking back on the past 12 months and reflect on what we have achieved and learned. Read more

Counting carnivores in the Greater Etosha Landscape

Members of the Greater Etosha Carnivore Programme recently carried out a carnivore survey and detail their approach. Read more

A citizen science survey of cheetah and leopard in Etosha National Park

Master's student, Mburaje Keja will be relying on visitor participation to estimate Etosha National Park's cheetah and leopard populations. Read more