Animal husbandry, herding & livestock movements in the northern periphery of Etosha National Park

Villages in rural Africa are multifunctional and play important ecosystem services in providing space for grazing, crop cultivation, rainwater absorption and carbon cycles. They also provide habitats for a diversity of wildlife especially the ones which are close to Read more

At home or passing through? What do we know about leopards on Ongava

Leopards are top of the wish list of animals to see on safaris, and Ongava Game Reserve is no exception. While the reserve seems to have perfect terrain for leopards, hills, rocks and tall trees, as well a full Read more

Greater Etosha Carnivore Programme in full swing: collaring lions in Etosha

Updated: Nov 10, 2022

Capture and collaring exercises are always exciting, but they are even more special in the early stages of our Greater Etosha Carnivore Programme!

Early in May 2022, our colleagues from IZW (Leibniz Institute for Zoo Read more

From the field to the lab: there is a (smelly) story written in scats…

Anyone who has ever worked with carnivores knows that this can be a rather smelly business. Whether it involves carcasses or fresh faeces, their smell can never really be forgotten, nor can their value to study carnivore ecology!

Within Read more

Getting to know Etosha’s neighbours

As with other protected areas in the world, Etosha National Park in north-western Namibia has similar problems with humans and dangerous wildlife cooccurring together. People have two major sources of livelihood here i.e., livestock and game farming. The park Read more