Fires could do great damage if they could get into the fairy forests shown in the previous blog, which leads us to the intriguing possibility that miombo trees manage to keep fires away by forming fire breaks on the Read more
One of Ongava Research Centre’s major interests focuses on this question: How can rural poverty be eradicated, and land degradation be reversed in Africa? The greatest form of environmental degradation in Africa is shifting dryland agriculture. After several years Read more
After the few seconds spent in awe following spotting a leopard, we usually grab our camera to record that rare encounter. As scientists, we do the same, but with an additional goal in mind: we want to know who Read more
Different weaver species usually nest separately, but two species sometimes occupy a tree. Seldom are there three species, but that rare combination turned the fever tree at Andersson’s Lodge into a bustling colony of weaver nests in January 2020. Read more
Most large mammals enjoy a good scratch, rhinos especially after a mud bath. To find out more about this behaviour, we video-monitored a well-rubbed tree stump located on a path to one of Ongava’s main waterholes. And not only Read more