Cheetah Marking Trees on Ongava

Namibia is well known for harbouring about 25% of the remaining global cheetah population. Given the healthy lion and spotted hyaena populations on Ongava, however, cheetahs face a hard time here and occur only in small numbers. All the Read more

Queen takes King: dynamic interactions between spotted hyaenas and lions.

Spotted hyaenas have been traditionally thought to be only a lowly scavenger, stealing from lion kills and being subordinate to them. But in the recent years, thanks to dedicated group of hyeanas enthusiasts scientists, a new picture is starting Read more

The battle of Cain and Abel

Astonishing bloody battles play out in the nests of several species of eagles, herons, boobies, pelicans and certain other large birds. These are between their nestlings, although its more a case of the first-born Cain simply murdering the second-born Read more

A balancing act – figuratively and literally

Life has been tough for Ongava’s animals and plants during this year’s extraordinary drought, the worst since 1980 and 1981. We expect lots of plants to die, and many animals have doubtless moved elsewhere or remained underground until the Read more